Submit Free AI Marketing Tool

MarkeetingTools is one of the best websites that offer submission AI marketing tools free of charge. We continually search for the most innovative AI Marketing tools to feature in our directory. Our team searches the internet and social media to uncover and showcase top AI marketing solutions. We may already be on track to discovering and listing your tool. However, to ensure your tool gets the attention it deserves as soon as possible, feel free to submit it at no cost.

How to Submit Free AI Marketing Tools?

To submit free AI marketing tools, follow our step-by-step guide and guidelines. Let’s start the process.

1- Login

The first step to accessing the guide is to log in. Enter the username and password on the login page to explore the features

Login Page

User Name




2- Add New Post

The ‘Posts‘ section on your dashboard has an option to ‘Add New Post,’ where you can compose your content, add images, and customize your settings.

Submit tool

Add New Post

submit post

3- Publishing

You are now ready to publish your content after selecting and customizing your AI marketing tool. Once your settings are correct, click ‘Publish‘ to share your insights.


We are offering free-of-cost publishing. To get this opportunity, you should follow our guidelines.

1- Content should be 100% Unique, Informative and updated (2024).

2- Content should be Human written

3- Grammarly score should be 99%

4- Adult, Casino, Gambling and other sensitive niches are not allowed

5- Image size should be 1200X628 (Image quantity 2-5)

6- Only 1 Link Allow

7- Formatting should be good (e.g., headings, subheadings, paragraph length).

Why Use a Submit Tool for Free AI Marketing Tools?

  • Streamlined Sharing: Shares AI tools efficiently with a targeted audience for marketers and developers.
  • Feedback Collection: Enhances the tool by gathering user feedback and data, crucial to making iterative improvements.
  • Enhanced Reach: Increases visibility of creators’ tools and extends their reach.
  • Community Building: Develop a community around AI solutions, encouraging user engagement and ongoing dialogue.
  • Continual Development: Maintain AI tools’ relevance and effectiveness in an ever-changing digital context by constantly improving them.
  • Increased Accessibility: Promotes easy access to and widespread adoption of AI tools by acting as a gateway for potential users and collaborators.

Benefits for free Submit AI Tools

An AI marketing tool submission platform like “Submit Free AI Marketing Tool” offers the following advantages:

  1. Increased Exposure: In addition to gaining a larger audience, developers gain visibility and user engagement through the ability to show off their AI tools.
  2. Community Feedback: The submission of tools to a public platform provides developers with direct access to the feedback of actual users. Feedback will lead to improvements in the features, the usability, and the efficiency of the tool.
  3. Cost-Effective Marketing: This platform allows developers, especially startups and independents, to market their tools inexpensively without having to spend a lot of money on marketing.
  4. Networking Opportunities: Connecting with other AI tool developers and users is easier when you are part of a platform. Investing, collaborating, and forming partnerships are all possible outcomes of this.
  5. Accelerated Innovation: Collaboration on such platforms and the exchange of ideas can speed up innovation in AI marketing tools. The technology can be advanced by learning from each other’s successes and challenges.
  6. User Base Growth: When a developer lists their tool on a widely accessed platform, more people will discover and try it out, growing their user base organically.
  7. Enhanced Credibility: In addition to making the developer’s work more attractive to potential users and investors, having a tool featured on a credible platform can make it more credible and legitimate.


  1. What is a ‘Submit Free AI Marketing Tool’?
    • Platforms or services that allow users to submit AI-powered marketing tools for free. A large community of users can provide valuable feedback on developers’ innovations.
  2. How can I submit my AI marketing tool to the platform?
    • To submit your AI marketing tool, follow our submission guidelines step-by-step.
  3. Is there any fee associated with submitting my tool?
    • There is no charge for submitting your tool to this platform. The platform encourages innovation and supports developers by providing a platform where AI marketing tools can be showcased without any financial barriers.
  4. What kind of feedback can I expect after submitting my tool?
    • Your tool may receive feedback from the platform’s review team and users, including comments on its usability, improvements, and possible applications. Feedback is essential for improving a tool’s effectiveness.
  5. Who will have access to my tools?
    • Upon approval, all users will be able to access your tool. Any marketer, business owner, developer, or individual interested in learning more about AI can utilize AI technology for marketing. Clients or collaborators may be attracted to wide access in addition to gaining visibility.